Thursday 6 August 2020

Working Out Your Quads

Straight Hip Extensions

Lay on your back on the floor, abs in, using ankle weights (or no weights), depending on your desired amount of resistance. Start to slowly lift up your leg until it is at a 90 degree angle to the floor, and now rest it the very shortly, maybe 2 seconds. Slowly lower your leg back to starting position without losing the relaxing. This not only targets the quads, but the hip flexor as well.

Plie Squat

This is a variation of last week's squats.

With weights in hand, stand with feet very wide, toes out at an angle, facing away from your body. While keeping your knees in line with your toes, begin to slowly lower into a squat. Your back should remain straight, abs in, knees not in front of, but behind the toes. Push through the heels and lift back up. Once again, this is a multi-muscle workout. This gets your quads, glutes, popular file extension,  hamstrings and inner thighs.

Working Out Your Quads

Straight Hip Extensions Lay on your back on the floor, abs in, using ankle weights (or no weights), depending on your desired amount of...